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Odontoiatria estetica in Turchia

L'odontoiatria estetica, nota anche come odontoiatria estetica, è una procedura che mira a creare un cambiamento positivo nei denti e nel sorriso. Garantisce che i tuoi denti siano sani e ti consente di avere un aspetto più bello. Con l'odontoiatria estetica, puoi avere denti più luminosi e più belli e un sorriso più perfetto. I denti che sembrano più sani e puliti svolgono un ruolo nell'aumentare la fiducia in se stessi. Come Estetica Istanbul, ti diamo il benvenuto con i nostri medici specialisti per le tue operazioni odontoiatriche estetiche in Turchia; Includiamo la tua degenza ospedaliera durante l'operazione e la sistemazione in hotel dopo l'operazione nel nostro pacchetto.

Odontoiatria estetica in Turchia


Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening method (bleaching) is applied by specialist dentists in order to make the teeth look healthier and more beautiful by turning the color of the teeth that turn yellow or dark due to various reasons. The bleaching method, which does not cause any harm to the teeth, is a fast, reliable and effective method. With the whitening process, the factors that cause the darkening of the teeth are removed from the structure of the teeth. The purpose of the teeth whitening method is to provide a healthier and more aesthetic appearance to the teeth. Advantages of Teeth Whitening;

  • Confidence
  • A healthier and more aesthetic appearance

Dental Veneers

span style=”font-weight: 400;”>Dental veneer is the process of covering the teeth in order to eliminate problems such as deep caries, fractures, loss of substance, color problems and to give an aesthetic appearance. A personalized treatment plan is prepared. If you are not satisfied with the appearance of your teeth, you can benefit from the dental veneer method. Advantages of dental veneer aesthetics;

  • Deficiencies in the teeth are corrected.
  • Teeth that are damaged but have no root damage are saved.
  • By gaining an aesthetic appearance, you will have a better smile.

Dental Implants

Tooth loss occurs due to caries or other deformities in our teeth. Dental implants are replacement tooth roots. Dental implants, which are performed in accordance with your natural teeth, are an extremely effective method to correct your missing teeth. Advantages of dental implant;

  • Perfect look and natural smile,
  • Confidence,
  • fluent speech and
  • Ease of eating with correct chewing.