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Eyebrow Lift in Turkey

  • The only affordable Eyebrow Lift in Turkey
  • Safe travel and comfortable accommodation
  • International success of doctors and hospitals

Overview of Eyebrow Lift Istanbul



Processing Time

30 minutes

Complete Recovery

4 days

Eyebrow Lift in Turkey

Your eyebrows may be lower than they should be due to aging, trauma or genetic reasons. Sometimes, eyebrow lifts are needed to make the eyebrows look more aesthetic and beautiful. Eyebrow lift surgery can be performed to achieve attractiveness and charm in the eye contour and gaze. In addition to protecting the aesthetic health of the person, it also fulfills self-confidence. Eyebrow lift surgery and methods will be used especially if those with congenitally low eyebrows want to get rid of this appearance.

The muscles around the eyes and eyebrows loosen over time due to aging. The body becomes unable to resist gravity. With brow lift aesthetics, the upper parts of the eye and eyebrows are collected and the facial expression is revised. Low eyebrows make the person look tired and irritable. You can benefit from brow lift aesthetics to make your look impressive. These procedures, whose permanence varies according to the method and application used, can be performed by everyone, men and women.


Eyebrow Lift Surgery

For eyebrow aesthetics, surgical interventions are preferred as well as applications. Brow lift surgery can be performed with laser or other methods. Depending on the eyebrow aesthetics that the person needs, eyebrow suspension or eyebrow filling may also be recommended.

Since brow lift surgery can be performed with different surgical methods, you can consult your doctor and ask him to choose the most suitable one for you.

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Eyebrow Lift Before and After in Turkey

Eyebrow Lift in Turkey Reviews


Diego Fiocco

Fantastic experience! Everyone super nice and helpful. All very knowledgeable, I would trust in their hands with my eyes closed. I look forward to coming back for more surgeries!

Vincenzo Lauro

I am very pleased. Thank you Andrea for the excellent informative work, professional and helpful before the work done.

Jade Bo

I have been there 2 times and will soon return for the third time. From the doctors to the nurses to the collaborators, they are all so kind and reliable. I can only say "thank you"!


Really professional work with really attentive and very very friendly and competent people.

Valentina Rollo

I recommend anyone who wants to feel good about their body to choose the Istanbul Aesthetics team! I could not be more satisfied with my result!


I heartily recommend Estetica Istanbul for the kind assistants, very helpful and committed to the patient. Thank you.

Laura Gianelli

I was able to achieve my dream thanks to Estetica Istanbul. Positive experience, they followed me all the way!


thank you all for your seriousness and the excellent work


Fantastic experience in everything. Great staff and great doctor. I highly recommend this clinic!

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Eyebrow Lift Journey with Estetica Istanbul


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How Much Does Eyebrow Lift Cost Abroad?

Eyebrow lift surgery and non-surgical eyebrow lift methods are not very diverse abroad. Consider this when you research how much eyebrow lift price and cost abroad. In the table below, pricing is based on eyebrow lift surgery. You need to get separate price information for procedures such as eyebrow lift applications, eyebrow suspension and eyebrow botox.

The price and cost of eyebrow lift abroad is very high. In fact, although there is no high fee for the material, the labor fee of the aesthetic doctor is high. The high rents and the small number of doctors who perform eyebrow aesthetics are also effective. Therefore, the price of eyebrow lift abroad, especially in European countries, is quite expensive.


Countries Eyebrow Lift Price and Cost
Turkey 2000 $ – 3000 $
European Countries 9000 $ – 11000 $
United Kingdom 10000 $ – 13000 $
United States of America 12000 $ – 15000 $


Step by Step Experience for International Patients

Estetica Istanbul, which has more than 10 years of experience in health tourism, provides services in an inclusive way. Every stage in the aesthetic processes of the guests is perfectly organized. Aesthetic surgeries are performed by specialized doctors in Turkey’s high standard hospitals.

Day 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Day 08
Free Consulting with No Commitment

Estetica Istanbul provides detailed information about the journey to Turkey and aesthetic procedures within the scope of free consultation. Estetica Istanbul’s expert team will provide you with detailed information about the process and answer all your questions.

Appointment and Flight Planning

Your Tooth Implant date is determined by the availability of you and your doctor. You have the chance to easily choose the date that suits you best. After a comfortable journey, our VIP vehicle will be waiting for you at the airport.

High Quality Accommodation

In our contracted luxury hotels located in the center of Istanbul, we offer breakfast as well as dining and entertainment options. We also offer you double room and suite options according to the agreement.


As Estetica Istanbul, we do not forget your companions. Accommodation, transfer and other facilities included in the aesthetic package are also valid for your companion.

Examination & Surgery

After your examination is completed by the specialist doctor of your choice, you will be ready for aesthetics. We will provide all your transportation between the hospital and the hotel with VIP services.

First Night After Surgery

You will be hosted at the clinic for one night after the surgery for rest and controls. In this process, all your controls are provided by experts.

Enjoy Istanbul

We organize small excursions for you to witness the history and culture of Istanbul. We will guide you on your shopping and entertainment excursions.

24/7 Medical Interpreter and Support

Our translators at our agency provide you with accurate and reliable communication during your aesthetic process. You can reach our experts at any time of the day.

What are Eyebrow Lift Methods?

It is common to use advanced technology and methods in eyebrow aesthetics. The constant progress of the aesthetic world with new developments leads to the diversification of eyebrow lift methods. If you know what eyebrow lift methods are, you can choose among them.

  • Eyebrow strap
  • Eyebrow Botox
  • Eyebrow lift with Ultherapy
  • Classic brow lift surgery
  • Endoscopic brow lift surgery

  • Eyebrow suspension method is one of the applications with low permanence. It lasts up to 2 years at most and is performed under local anesthesia. It is not preferred among eyebrow lift methods due to its permanence.
  • Eyebrow botox is the process of bringing the person’s eyebrow line to the appropriate level by calculating the golden ratio. The face is stretched and the application is made in a way that does not prevent the mimics from disappearing. The procedure takes a maximum of 10 minutes. It is an application that will last when you have it done 2 times a year. However, its permanence does not exceed 6 months. Translated with
  • High-intensity ultrasound energy is used in brow lifting with ultrasound therapy. The tissues under the skin are activated and the skin is tightened. Although it is preferred because there is no surgical intervention, it does not give the desired effect in terms of permanence.

  • Classical brow lift surgery is a surgical intervention. The scalp is removed from the temples and the eyebrows are stretched. The surgery is finalized with stitches thrown into the hair. Since the stitches thrown into the hair pull the scalp, the hair is reduced in the front parts. Although it is a surgical intervention, its permanence is low.
  • Endoscopic brow lift surgery is one of the most used methods in recent years. It offers longer lasting permanence in brow lift aesthetics compared to others.

How is Endoscopic Eyebrow Lift Surgery Performed?

Since it is one of the most advanced methods, technology that prevents scar formation after surgery is used. After having information about how endoscopic eyebrow lift surgery is performed, you can decide on the method.

Surgical intervention is performed with thin and small cameras called endoscopes. Holes are made at different points towards the inner parts of the scalp. Since these holes are small, no bleeding or scarring is observed. The eyebrow part is lifted and stretched through the holes. Then the small holes are closed and the procedure is completed. Compared to classical brow lift surgery, swelling and bruising are less likely to occur. Since the stitches remain on the scalp, no scarring is visible. The healing process is supported with antibiotics and medications. Small stitches are removed after 10 days. Permanence is much better than other methods.

What is the Recovery Time After Brow Lift Surgery?

The recovery period is very short in non-surgical eyebrow lift applications. If the things to be considered after the eyebrow lift application are followed, you can have raised eyebrows after 1 day. If you are wondering how long the recovery time is after brow lift surgery, it depends on the application. In classical brow lift surgery, this period may be longer than 10 days. However, in endoscopic brow lift surgery, it is possible to return to normal life on the same day, even if the stitches are removed after 10 days.

How is Endoscopic Eyebrow Lift Surgery Performed?

Since it is one of the most advanced methods, technology that prevents scar formation after surgery is used. After having information about how endoscopic eyebrow lift surgery is performed, you can decide on the method.

Surgical intervention is performed with thin and small cameras called endoscopes. Holes are made from different points towards the inner parts of the scalp. Since these holes are small, no bleeding or scarring is observed. The eyebrow part is lifted and stretched through the holes. Then the small holes are closed and the procedure is completed. Compared to classical brow lift surgery, swelling and bruising are less likely to occur. Since the stitches remain on the scalp, no scarring is visible. The healing process is supported with antibiotics and medications. Small stitches are removed after 10 days. Permanence is much better than other methods.

Why Turkey for Eyebrow Lift?

Brow lift surgery and non-surgical brow lift applications are symmetrical aesthetic applications. When the symmetry is disrupted in brow lift applications, the balance on the face is lost. Therefore, it is among the surgeries that are important and should be performed meticulously. You may think why Turkey should be preferred for brow lift. There is a considerable success rate in eye aesthetics, eyebrow aesthetics and brow lift surgery.

Eyebrow lift surgery and eyebrow lift fillers performed in Turkey are largely problem-free operations. The fact that the best eyebrow lift doctors are here is a major factor in this success. Turkey hosts a lot of tourists from the Middle East and European countries. It is easy to get the eyebrow appearance you want in this place where eyebrow lift operations are performed for people of all nationalities and races. Most European countries, the United Kingdom and abroad, especially Turkey is preferred for eyebrow lift surgery and non-surgical eyebrow lift procedures.

The risk of complications after applications performed in sterile environments is low. The number of doctors who perform professional eyebrow lift is also quite high. The most important reason is the price and quality of brow lift surgery. The price of eyebrow lift surgery is high abroad. If surgical intervention will be performed, the price increases even more. In Turkey, you can have cheap and successful brow lift applications.

Is Eyebrow Lift Safe in Turkey?

One of the first countries that comes to mind when it comes to safe aesthetic applications is Turkey. Eyebrow aesthetics and brow lift surgery is performed in many countries other than Turkey. This is the reason why the answer to the question of whether eyebrow lift is safe in Turkey is also curious. When the level of development is compared to European countries, it is thought that there may be problems in aesthetic applications. Turkey is in the top 5 among the countries with the most reliable brow lift surgery.

Since the procedure is performed in sterile environments and advanced operating rooms, the risk of complications is low. The professionalism of the specialist who eliminates the risk of brow lift surgery is also important. The best eyebrow lift doctors here are effective in the success of surgical interventions.

How Long Should I Stay in Turkey for a Brow Lift?

Procedures such as eyebrow lift surgery, eyebrow filling and eyebrow suspension are performed under local anesthesia by numbing a certain area. Depending on the method to be used, the duration of brow lift surgery also varies. This also affects the healing process. Those wondering how long should I stay in Turkey for a brow lift should not worry. Even the most challenging brow lift surgery method makes it possible to return to daily life after 1 week.

Stitches are removed within 1 week to 10 days after brow lift surgery. In 1 week, the swelling and bruises will go down and you can return to your country. You can include brow lift surgery in your vacation plan and get impressive and aesthetic eyebrows.

For non-surgical brow lift applications, this period will be much shorter. You can talk to your doctor and get detailed information.

Why Should I Choose Turkey for Eyebrow Lift?

Eyebrow lift surgery is quite common in Turkey and in the world. Eyebrow lift surgery or non-surgical eyebrow lift methods are widely used. Although the price of brow lift surgery varies according to these methods, Turkey is the cheapest country. If you think about why you should choose Turkey for brow lift, the most important reason is the price. The price of brow lift surgery is cheap and quality is never compromised. The number of doctors who are skilled and perform the best brow lift surgery is high. Your eyebrows will look much better when you get support from the right team and doctor.

Before the application, you will be shown what kind of eyebrow you will get through pictures and applications. This prevents you from being disappointed after brow lift aesthetics.

It is possible to have eyebrow lift surgery while on vacation in Turkey. The expertise of the doctors and the use of the latest technology devices in the operating rooms show that it makes sense to consider this option. The newest method in the world and in aesthetic applications, painless and painless applications are performed here. The recovery period after brow lift surgery is much shorter here. Doctors also take a close interest after brow lift surgery. They intervene immediately when any problems are encountered.


Why is Eyebrow Lift Cheap in Turkey?

Although the materials and equipment used in eyebrow aesthetics are imported from abroad, doctors charge lower fees. The biggest reason for this is that Turkish doctors have a high number of patients who have eyebrow lift surgery. Since they have a large number of patients, they do not set the price of eyebrow lift surgery as high. Since they apply to more people and aim for the best, eyebrow lift surgery here is cheap in terms of price. Instead of researching why eyebrow lift is cheap in Turkey, make a good choice of doctor. Find the best eyebrow lift doctor from the comments of those who have undergone eyebrow lift surgery. In this way, you will be satisfied with the procedure after paying the eyebrow lift price.

If the eyebrow lift application will be done with aesthetic application such as filling or eyebrow suspension, it is cheaper. However, the price of eyebrow lift surgery is a bit high since it is a surgical intervention. Consider this difference when doing research.


How Much Does Eyebrow Lift Cost in Turkey?

Eyebrow lift operations and eyebrow lift surgery prices are directly proportional to permanence. If you are wondering how much eyebrow lift price and cost in Turkey, pay attention to this difference. If the permanence of eyebrow lift surgery is up to 5 years, the price is higher, while the price is lower for 6-month temporary procedures.

Many issues affect the price and cost of eyebrow lift surgery. The most important of these are the method or material used to lift the eyebrow and factors such as filling. The higher the quality of the filling material, the higher the eyebrow lift price. The price of eyebrow lift surgery is the highest among them. Eyebrow lift surgery in Turkey starts from $2000. Eyebrow lift applications are even lower. It is best to consult your doctor and discuss the price according to which method you want to use.

The latest technology and the latest equipment used increase the price and cost of brow lift surgery. Brow suspension method, classical brow lift surgery, endoscopic brow lift surgery, brow lift with ultherapy and botox brow lift vary in price. After asking your doctor about the advantages and disadvantages of these methods, make a choice without worrying about the price. The important thing is not the price of brow lift surgery, but the method used.

How is Blepharoplasty Performed in Turkey?

Teeth whitening is done by applying teeth whitening products to the teeth with a brush or a thin strip. This process is applied 1-2 times a day for 10-14 days. Thus, the tooth color is lightened by one or two tones. There are different techniques and applications in teeth whitening procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions

Brow lift operation is a very permanent procedure and over time, it takes the shape of the person’s eyes and becomes suitable for the face shape.

Before the eyebrow lift operation is performed, the patient’s face shape is analyzed in detail and the eyebrow lift operation is performed. For this reason, high naturalness rates are achieved in brow lift procedures.

Since the lifting rates in brow lift operations are determined according to the person’s facial line and eye structure, they are personalized.

Eye makeup can be applied after a certain period of time after brow lift operations. However, we recommend that you get information from your surgeon to get clear information on this subject.