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When Can You Have Sex After A Hair Transplant?

Hair transplantation is an effective solution to the problem of hair loss and increases the self-confidence of many people. With this increased self-confidence, the sexual life of the person is also positively affected. Therefore, hair transplantation should definitely be done to be more self-confident. However, starting sexual activities after hair transplantation may often not give positive results in hair transplantation. If you are wondering when you can start sex after hair transplantation and why you should not have sex after hair transplantation, you can take a look at our content called "When Can You Have Sex After A Hair Transplant". In this way, you can have an idea about when you can start sexual activities. At the same time, you can also get information about why you should not have sex after a hair transplant. We wish you all healthy days and pleasant reading.

Why I Shouldn't Have Sex After a Hair Transplant?

Restriction of sexual life after hair transplantation is quite possible and normal. The reason for this is that sexual activities after hair transplant surgery may cause undesirable results. Here are the factors that cause restriction of sex life after hair transplantation;

  • Displacement of Hair Grafts
    If the warnings and recommendations are not paid attention to after hair transplantation, the movement of hair grafts is a condition that negatively affects the hair transplantation process. For this reason, we recommend that you do not have sex before the hair grafts have recovered. Because the sudden movements you make during sex with your partner can directly cause the grafts to move. This situation seriously affects your hair transplantation process.
  • Bleeding on the Scalp
    During sexual activity, blood flow and heart rate increase dramatically due to the hormones secreted. This directly affects the healing of the grafts. The reason for this is that the increased blood flow tears the wounds in the transplantation area and causes the wounds to bleed again. For this reason, you should never have sex immediately after hair transplantation. In addition, you should consult your doctor for information about when you should start sexual activities.
  • Risk of Infection
    Due to excessive exertion during sex, sweating occurs. Due to this sweating, the grafts may be damaged and the risk of infection may also increase. In addition, in cases of sweating during sex, as a result of the pressure you will apply to the hair grafts to wipe your sweat, grafts may move. For this reason, it is also useful to take a break from sexual activities, even temporarily. When a complete recovery is observed, you can return to your sexual life again.
  • Delayed Recovery
    Sexual activities performed before improvement is observed in the area where hair transplantation is performed affect the healing process to a great extent. For example, if the hair transplantation area will recover in 1 month, this process extends up to 2 or even 3 months. For this reason, we recommend that you do not start any sexual activity without your doctor's permission.

When Can I Have Sex Again After a Hair Transplant?

It is wrong to give a precise and clear information to this question. Because everyone's healing process may differ. The reason for this is the genetic structure and constitution of the person. However, if it is necessary to specify an average period in this regard, the 10-day period after hair transplantation is a very good time to start sexual activities. However, you should avoid sexual activities that require excessive movement during this 10-day period. Instead, you can experience sexual positions that require less movement. For sex positions that require more movement, we recommend that you wait for 1 month.

How Do I Know When I'm Ready for Sex After Hair Transplant?

There are a few small points you should pay attention to in order to understand whether you are ready for sex after hair transplantation. These points help you to have an idea about whether you are ready for sex or not. For example; If you no longer have pain, swelling or itching in your hair follicles, you can start sexual activities. In addition, if the scabs on your scalp have healed and there is no possible pain in the transplantation area, you can have sex. In order for these possible situations to occur, an average of 10 days must have passed since the hair transplant procedure. Thus, you can easily understand that you are ready for sex.

How Will My Sex Life Be Affected After Hair Transplant?

After hair transplantation, you will feel psychologically better and more confident because you will have healthier and thicker hair. In this way, your sex life will also be better. Because, as scientifically proven, 97% of sex life is to feel psychologically good and self-confident. For this reason, your sex life is positively affected after hair transplant surgery.

Does Hair Transplant Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

One of the most curious questions after hair transplantation, "Do Hair Transplant Drugs Reduce Sex Desire?" is a situation that causes individuals to be very concerned. The medications used after hair transplantation do not cause orgasm or erectile dysfunction in any way. Because such drugs are not drugs that directly affect hormones. For this reason, after the hair transplant operation, you can use the medications recommended by your doctor with peace of mind. You should have no worries or reservations about this.

Can I Masturbate After Hair Transplant?

Masturbation immediately after hair transplantation can greatly jeopardize the hair follicles. This is due to the increased blood flow and pulse rate during masturbation. For these reasons, you should take a break from masturbation after hair transplantation. We recommend that you wait 10 days after the transplant to be able to masturbate.

We have compiled for you what you need to know about Sexual Intercourse After Hair Transplant. If you would like to learn more or about any subject that you have in mind, you can review our Hair Transplant in Turkey page, or you can contact Estetica Istanbul's expert team.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do the medications I use after hair transplantation affect my sperm count?

No medication used after hair transplantation has caused a decrease in sperm count as a side effect. This is because the recommended medication contains an active substance that affects hormones. Therefore, there is no need to worry. You can use the medications prescribed by your doctor with peace of mind.

Do the medications I use after hair transplantation prevent me from getting an erection?

The medications used after hair transplantation do not cause problems such as erectile dysfunction. Possible erectile dysfunction may be of psychological origin. For this reason, we recommend that you seek help from a specialist immediately.

Is there a problem with having an orgasm after hair transplantation?

No, you will not have a problem such as not being able to orgasm after hair transplantation. On the contrary, since your self-confidence increases even more after hair transplantation, your sexual life will have a healthier structure.