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Zirconia and Titanium Implants: Differences Between Them

Today, dental implants are recognized as one of the most effective and long-term solutions in the treatment of tooth loss. For this reason, they are frequently preferred in dental treatments. However, most of the time, individuals do not know which type of dental implant to prefer or have questions about the type of implant to be applied. At this point, you can read "Zirconia and Titanium Implants: Differences Between Them". Thanks to this content, you will be able to learn about the differences between zirconium and titanium implants. You can also have an idea about which implants should be preferred and in which cases. We wish you all healthy days and good reading.

What is a Zirconium Implant?

Zirconium implants are an important option in dental implant treatment, offering aesthetic and health advantages. These implants are generally artificial tooth roots made of zirconium and oxygen elements. Since these artificial tooth roots are very close to the color of natural teeth, they generally provide aesthetic benefits. For this reason, it is frequently applied to people who have aesthetic concerns in their teeth.

Zirconium implants are placed just below the gums and support the teeth both aesthetically and in terms of treatment. Thus, it offers healthy smiles to patients.

What is a Titanium Implant?

Titanium implants are artificial tooth roots used in dentistry to replace lost teeth. These artificial tooth roots are made of titanium metal and are surgically placed under the gums. Thus, the jawbone fuses with the implant in a short time. Although this type of implant is not fully compatible with the natural tooth, unlike the zirconium implant, it is one of the more durable implants in terms of durability. For this reason, it is mostly applied to patients who consider durability instead of aesthetic appearance.

Titanium implants offer stronger and healthier teeth. This way, you can have healthy smiles in the long term.

What Are the Similarities and Differences Between Zirconium Implants and Titanium?

Although both zirconium and titanium implants are a treatment that supports missing teeth, they have certain differences and similarities due to their structure. These differences and similarities vary according to the intended use. If we need to take a look at these similarities and differences, they are as follows;

Zirconium and Titanium Implant Similarities

Although zirconium and titanium implants look quite different from each other in terms of their structure, they also have quite similar aspects. These similarities allow both types of implants to be recognized as reliable and effective dental treatment options. To take a look at these similarities;

  • Both types of implants are used to treat tooth loss. Therefore, both zirconium and titanium implants integrate with the jawbone and provide a fixed structure to replace lost teeth.
  • Zirconium and titanium implants are surgically placed under the gums. These procedures are performed under local anesthesia.
  • Both types of implants can be used for many years if they are properly and regularly maintained.
  • Both of these procedures are used to treat missing tooth roots.

Differences between Zirconium and Titanium Implants

Zirconium and Titanium implants have similarities as well as differences. These differences affect the preferability of implants. If we need to take a look at these differences, they are as follows;

Implant Material

  • Zirconium Implants: Due to their structure, zirconium implants are made of a white ceramic-like material. For this reason, it is more aesthetically advantageous.
  • Titanium Implants: Titanium implants, on the other hand, are mostly produced from metal alloyed titanium material. Therefore, they are not preferred in terms of aesthetics.

Biocompatibility and Osseointegration

Zirconium Implants: Zirconium dental implants are made of a material that is generally well tolerated by the body. For this reason, the risk of allergic reactions is very low.

Titanium Implants: Titanium dental implants are generally compatible with the body because it is a material that has been used for years. Therefore, reactions may occur in people who are allergic to titanium.

Strength of Implants

Titanium Implants: Titanium implants are generally more resistant to physical stresses such as fracture or bending, so they have a high strength to strength ratio.

Zirconium Implants: Zirconium implants may be more brittle under high physical stress and therefore have a lower strength ratio.

Aesthetics of Implants

Zirconium Implants: Zirconium implants can be very close to the color of natural teeth. Thanks to these features, it provides a great advantage in terms of aesthetics and achieves a harmonious appearance with the teeth.

Titanium Implants: Titanium implants are not the same color as natural teeth. Therefore, they may require additional crowns. However, a harmonious appearance can be achieved with aesthetic dental veneers or prostheses.


Zirconium Implants:Zirconium implants are generally more expensive than titanium implants. This is because the production cost of ceramic material is higher than the production cost of titanium material.

Titanium Implants: Titanium implants are generally less expensive because they are widely used and the material costs are low.

Is Zirconium or Titanium Implant Suitable for Me?

To give a clear answer to the question "Is Zirconium or Titanium Implant Suitable for Me?", which is one of the most curious questions when getting an implant, we recommend that you prioritize your needs in this regard. This way you can make better decisions. To explain this in a better and more detailed way;

Zirconium implants are a preferred option for patients with aesthetic concerns. Because zirconium dioxide ceramic material offers a whiteness very close to the color of natural teeth and provides an aesthetic appearance. Thus, it can provide great benefit for individuals with aesthetic concerns. However, zirconium implants can often be more fragile than titanium implants and their costs can be higher.

Titanium implants, on the contrary, are known for their durability and long-term performance. Therefore, the strength of titanium metal increases the implant's resistance to physical stresses and provides long-term stability. They are also considered a more economical option. However, they may require additional crowns to provide the same aesthetic appearance as natural teeth and, in rare cases, can cause allergic reactions.

You can make a choice by considering the information we have mentioned above. However, we strongly recommend that you have a preliminary consultation with your doctor to make a better choice. This way you can achieve better results.

If you want to have dental implants in Turkey, you can contact Estetica Istanbul's expert team immediately and have a preliminary consultation. This way, you can have healthy and perfect smiles.


Which of Zirconium and Titanium Implants Lasts Longer?

Titanium implants are considered more durable and long-lasting due to the materials they are made of. For this reason, titanium implants can be preferred if aesthetic appearance is not at the forefront.

Which of Zirconium and Titanium Implants Looks Better?

Which implant looks better may vary depending on the patient's individual aesthetic preferences, tooth structure and other personal factors. However, if aesthetic concerns are important and an appearance compatible with natural teeth is desired, zirconium implants may be preferred.

Which of Zirconium and Titanium Implants is Safer?

In conclusion, both types of implants are considered safe and usually give successful results. Therefore, it would be wrong to say that zirconium implants or titanium implants are safer.