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DHI vs. FUE Hair Transplant: Which is Better?

If you are undecided between hair transplantation techniques, this article is for you! In this week's article, we talked about the differences between DHI vs FUE hair transplantation. We wish you a pleasant reading.

What is DHI Hair Transplant?

The DHI procedure is an innovative technique used in hair transplantation. The DHI procedure, which enables scarless treatment, is performed by removing natural hair from the donor area and transplanting it to the bald spot. Choi implanter pen is used in the DHI procedure, which allows the natural hair to be restored.

What is FUE Hair Transplant?

FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction is one of the traditional hair transplants. In the FUE technique, which uses natural hair follicles in hair transplantation, grafts are taken from the scalp. The channels are opened with micro blades and the procedure is completed with minimal scarring. The FUE procedure takes approximately 8 hours. The full results of the application appear approximately 1 year after the procedure.

What is the Difference Between FUE and DHI?

DHI and FUE procedures are frequently preferred methods in hair transplantation. However, there are fundamental differences between the two procedures. It is important to understand and grasp the methods in order to get the best result from hair transplantation. The main difference between the two is the type of transplantation and the candidates. In the FUE technique, channels are opened and grafts are transplanted. In the DHI procedure, there is no need to open channels for hair transplantation. The procedure is performed instantly.

DHI vs. FUE Difference

Aspect FUE DHI
Scar No No
Transplanted Hair Density Normal High Density
Procedure Time 8 Hours 6 Hours
Benefits  Wider area intervention Precise and precise solution
Ideal Candidate Those experiencing intense baldness Those with mild or moderate hair loss

FUE vs. DHI Candidates

What suits you among the hair transplantation techniques depends entirely on your demands and expectations. The FUE method is more suitable for people with high baldness. If you are experiencing severe hair loss, the FUE method is a more definitive solution. The DHI technique is recommended for people under the age of 35 with low hair loss. If you are facing thinning problems and mild hair loss, you have the chance to achieve high density with the DHI method.

DHI vs. FUE Hair Transplant Recovery

DHI and FUE hair transplantation recovery processes are almost similar. Because both procedures are performed with minimal scarring. Mild discomfort may be experienced after the application. It is recommended to use painkillers for pain. It is important to protect the head from external influences during the healing process. Sunlight and heavy impacts should be avoided. Generally, one week after the procedure, the healing process is completed by crusting and shedding.

How Painful is DHI and FUE?

DHI and FUE techniques in hair transplantation are painless procedures. In both procedures, local anesthesia is applied to the area during the application. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the pain of DHI or FUE surgery. Only after the transplantation is finished, the clients feel mild pain. This is a side effect of every surgery and procedure.

What are the Results of DHI and FUE Procedures?

The results of the FUE procedure depend on the correct opening of the canals, the expertise of the doctor and the transplantation of the hair follicles in the right direction. FUE hair transplantation, which provides highly successful results, provides a natural look to the person. DHI hair transplantation results are similar to the other technique. The important thing is to make the right decisions about the number of grafts and to perform the application in the direction of natural hair follicles.

Is DHI or FUE More Expensive?

The prices of DHI and FUE hair transplantation have almost similar costs. Transplant prices are determined by country, technical details and the experience of the doctor. However, to make a comparison, DHI costs are higher than the FUE method.

Factors To Consider When Choosing Between DHI And FUE Hair Transplantation

The right choice is directly proportional to the success rate of hair transplantation. Here are the basic considerations when choosing DHI or FUE hair transplantation:

  • Expected results and wishes from hair transplantation
  • Degree of hair loss and baldness
  • Donor hair quantity and strength
  • Number of grafts
  • Cost of the process
  • Skills and experience of the hair transplant surgeon
  • Hair transplant clinic services

Which Type of Hair Transplant is Better: FUE vs. DHI

To choose between DHI or FUE procedures; the patient's hair loss rate, the degree of thinning and baldness, and the amount of donor area should be taken into consideration. Finding the right technique in hair transplantation is extremely important for the permanence and success of the procedure. For this reason, FUE or DHI techniques selected in line with the needs of the person are always the best option for the client.

Is DHI Better than FUE?

DHI hair transplantation attracts more attention than the FUE method in terms of innovative technology and density. In the DHI technique performed by skilled surgeons, delicate touches are performed and natural hair that offers lifelong use is obtained. However, for the FUE procedure, the person needs to shave all his/her hair. In the DHI procedure, only the donor area needs to be shaved. For this reason, the DHI method is more attractive for women.

What are the Advantages of DHI and FUE hair transplant procedures in Turkey?

Turkey provides a high level of quality in DHI and FUE hair transplant procedures to its patients. The success rates of the surgeries and affordable price policies make Turkey attractive in the international arena. Health tourism has many years of experience in providing solutions to all kinds of needs of customers in FUE and DHI hair transplantation processes.

As Estetica Istanbul health tourism agency, we continue to offer quality in FUE and DHI hair transplantation to our clients. For detailed information about our services, you can review our FUE Hair Transplant in Turkey and DHI Hair Transplant in Turkey pages.